(click above to go to our pet finder page of adoptable dogs)
Please take a look at a few our wonderful dogs available for adoption !!
**(You can see all our available dogs on petfinder by clicking the adopt button above and below)
and contact us at texomadogcoordinator@gmail.com
Adoption fees are $25
Schedule a time to come visit the ranch and hang out with the dogs !!
We also have some dogs with boarders in San Antonio, Killeen and New Caney
(if located in these areas it is noted on petfinder)
and you can schedule a visit there as well or we can help with transport.
We always need foster homes !!
We can transport to an approved adopter anywhere !!
Ask us about foster to adopt !!
(If you would like to foster please fill out the adoption application, we use the same form for both, just write the word "foster" on it)
Start here >Adoption Application
Foster Application
Finalize here after adoption>Adoption Contract
Adoption Spay/Neuter Agreement
Transfer form for Partnership Organizations
You can help by purchasing off our Amazon Wish List
Amazon Wishlist
Email us
Donate/pay adoption fee
Cash App $texomadogranch
You can also donate here through donorbox:
Follow us on Social Media:
Facebook: Texoma Dog Ranch Rescue
Instagram: Texoma Dog Ranch Rescue
TikTok: Texoma Dog Rescue
Twitter: Texoma Dog Rescue
Nextdoor App: Texoma Dog Rescue
Sponsor A Dog
We are a 501c3 non-profit and get no funding and need donations to fund our rescue. We realize not everyone can adopt or foster, but maybe you can sponsor a dog for $20 month. You get to pick the dog you want to sponsor and each month we will invoice you for the $20 through our paypal, and you will also get an updated picture/video of your sponsored dog each month, and you can count your donations on your taxes. Your sponsorship helps cover food, medical and housing for your sponsored dog. Please consider sponsoring and help us continue to help them. Email: texomadogcoordinator@gmail.com to sponsor a dog !!